Monday, April 23, 2012


I am writing in response to "Embattled chairman back on city police and fire commission". Mayor Sund DECLINED to comment on the appointment. There's a surprise. That tells me one thing. Mayor Sund has less than one year left. Why would he cut his Christmas cards short this year? He doesnt care. So I talked to three different city council members, asking each one the same question. Why did the council all vote in favor of the appointment? The first aldermans response was "I thought about it after I voted." The second aldermans response was "he misunderstood and didn't know he was voting on it, he was misled". And the final aldermans answer is the best...first he said" it didn't matter because Gary would get in no matter what" and then he said he wanted to make sure he got on the committees that he was interested in. In other words, he didnt want to cause any waves. I decided not to question anymore...I couldnt take it. So there you go, three of our councilman that represent us.

1 comment:

  1. I have a comment regarding another article from the same paper titled "Native American artifacts uncovered at sand mine site" In that article city administrator Ken Witt said "the artifact discovery was no surprise since maps of the area revealed Native American cultural remnants may be there". If that is true, that site should never have been touched. Why wouldnt it be brought up earlier? City not doing their homework? Again?
