Welcome To Our Blog. Please read.

I started this blog for people who wish to express their concerns, frustrations or comments on the City of Sparta, WI. This is not a site to discuss rumors or personal matters. If a blogger does post rumors they will be deleted and the blogger will be removed.Feel free to express yourself under comments without fear of being targeted by police or city officials. Please remeber, what you write has to be factual or asked in question form. Comments will be posted by us if you tell us to. When signing in to comment please use a nickname that does not provide clues as to who you are or anonymous unless you want to be identified. Though we will try to always keep track of the all comments, to ensure your comments get posted on the front page leave comments on newest post.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Common sense from Ball & Backbone

I attended the "special" meeting of the Personnel and Finance Comittee last Tuesday to discuss the options of the City Administrator. Though I was sick with the flu, I still made it a point to attend this meeting.

I told my wife after the meeting that I didnt think I should go to another one of these meetings, as it is "like bouncing your head off the wall." There is no common sense involved. Everyone is worried about offending someone else...

Make a long story short, when I heard that Chief Mike Kass wanted to be part of the "triage" to fill in until hiring a new administrator...I thought the city council was out of their mind. Why in the world would you want to give this guy any more responsibility, power or control when he isnt even capable of controlling his police department or police officers? His department has two recent lawsuits under his "reign", and if he cared about the doings of this city, what is he doing living minutes from Tomah?

Council member Carlos Holcombe spoke up and asked me, "what power? what kind of power is Chief Kass going to have?" Ummm, lets see...in a previous article Kevin Riley talked about hiring a new city administrator through a professional agency as the city would be essentially hiring the CEO of a company...isnt the CEO pretty much the most powerful guy? Hello Carlos...wouldnt the police union contracts be coming up? Wouldnt that be a conflict of interest? So Chief Kass needs to stay away from city hall and worry about his officers and department.

Then one of the city council members made some comment about "picking Ken Witt's Brain in the time he has left here". So I stood up and said, "picking his brain? are you kidding me? you shouldnt be picking his brain now...he has worked with you for ten years and you need to pick his brain now? You should have known all along what he was doing". So has our city council been working with blinders on?

I could go on and on about this meeting, but it aggravates me.

One last thing, when I do run for mayor in April...I need some people to run for city council. Last election there were two open seats on the council and no one ran. Is it that no one cares? It makes me wonder why i should run for mayor. New blood is desperately needed in city hall.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Kevin Riley running scared from Balls&Backbone

WOW! Is our city council scared to run the city without Ken Witt?
First, why is it that Mr. Kevin Riley feels the need to hire a professional agency?  Is the council uncapable of doing a job?
Second, why not try and run the city without an administrator...at least through the end of the year?  The city could acquire a fair amount of applications and take the time to hire a qualified individual if they choose.
Third, Mayor Sund has been a president of a local bank for so many years, couldn't he along with the city council make the budget for the following year?  If they are uncapable, its a no brainer...copy the budget from last year with a savings of $90,000+ from the administrators SALARY alone (NOT including benefits).
Fourth, we have an attorney on payroll that should be able to "have our back" on any legal issues.
Would it really be so bad to try and run the city without an administrator?  Make the mayor and council members work for their titles and positions.  La Crosse and Onalaska both do fine without one...and wouldn't they both have bigger budgets?
MR. RILEY, do you not have any self confidence or any confidence in your fellow council members?  It is always easy to spend other peoples money.  Weren't you the same council member who asked the sand mining company for a bribe at a city council meeting with 50-60 residents in attendance?
I believe, Mr. Riley should step down as the chairman of the personnel and finance committee.  When I read the article, it is clear that he scared and nervous because Mr. Witt is leaving.  You are the CHAIRMAN....you are in charge and the best you can do is "hire an agency" to do your work?
I have always said that Mr. Witt was only using Sparta as a step stone.  He never planned on staying and that is why he never cared about things like the sand mines, the ethanol plant...he was only focused on making his numbers look good.
Mr. Witt has been here for about ten years and didnt have enough respect for his council members.  Some of his council members had to find out he was leaving by reading the newspaper.
I hope if Sparta does hire another administrator, they don't make the same mistake by giving them the same contract they gave Mr. Witt.  (If Mr. Witt was fired he would receive 1 year salary and benefits)
And make sure the administrator doesnt have more power than the mayor or city council members.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Wicked "Witt" of the West is Gone from Balls&Backbone

 Congratulations to Mr. Witt on his new position in Reedsburg, WI or should I say congratulations to Sparta.  I have always said Ken was only using Sparta as a stepping stone, thats why he never really cared about the sand mines or the ethanol plant...he never planned on staying, just making good statistics.  I hope Reedsburg invests in some "People Skills" class for him during his orientation.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

the city of sand from anonymous

So I have noticed today that the dust bowl has moved in...what happened ? Couldn't keep up with keeping the sand wet so it wouldn't blow around? Wow. And it has only just begun. Go ahead and look on the south side of Highway 16...the sand is blowing all over hell. Go job city of Sparta...we will soon be covered. AGAIN, lied to.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Jumping through the hoops from Balls&Backbone

So like I said, I have requested the Sparta Police Department Rules of Work and the PFC Rules of Procedure.  I was then told it was too many pages and "what section did I want" ...Well, "the whole thing!" I have been told today that the copies I have requested would cost nearly $100. (close to 400 pages) I guess they are trying to make it hard for me to get this stuff...guess what? Start printing!! It's going to take more than $100 to make me back off.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Answer received from PFC from Balls&Backbone

I wrote the Police and Fire Commission regarding the incident with Pipkin taking his kids to school with the unmarked SUV and being inside the school without calling in to dispatch for personal time during work time.  I talked to other departments and it was told to me that you should ALWAYS call yourself in and out of your vehicle (for personal time and used as your break) and it should never be used for personal use while on duty in case of an emergency and insurance liability. I guess Sparta has different rules. Gary Ascher responded in a letter received yesterday. He stated that my letter did not conform to the "filing of charges" as specified in Wisconsin State Statute and PFC Rules of Procedure. Also stating that if it were proven true , no work rule or law would have been violated.  Which is BS. Our mayor reinstated this no backbone dumbass (Gary Ascher)  Basically, they want to make it harder for me  to file a complaint. So another step is involved. I am requesting the City of Sparta Police Department Rules of Work and the PFC Rules of Procedure. I have also decide to purchase copies of David Coupers "Arrested Development" and donate copies to the library so anyone can read about how a police department should be ran. Educate yourself and realize that there is corruption in this "small town".

Mayor Sund is a joke from anonymous

Reading Monday's paper and the article about John Sund now deciding to respond to the questions of the reappointment of Gary Ascher...wow, he had to write a letter to the paper to respond after declining to answer direct questions from the paper. Reason why I believe is he had to go to Ken Witt for an answer because Sund is clueless how to answer most questions and looks to Witt for the answers. If you don't believe me, attend a city council meeting and watch Sund as he will always look to Witt to answer things. Sund is a joke.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Sparta Burglaries from Balls&Backbone

Sparta police say they need the public’s help finding three men who broke into a woman’s home late Wednesday before fleeing in a stolen truck. A mobile home owner on K Street said she was in bed when she saw a light coming down a hallway about 11:10 p.m. She yelled, and the suspects ran from the home. Minutes later, police got a report of a truck stolen from Martin Warehous-ing, 716 S. Black River St. The truck’s owner followed it in another car before three men in their late teens abandoned it on Maple Avenue. Police could not find the men after searching the area with dogs. Investigators believe the break-in and stolen truck are related.
Police also are investigating two burglaries on the 1900 block of Julie Avenue. In those cases, the suspects broke into the houses on Tuesday through an unlocked window after removing or cutting a screen, police said. Cash and a house key were stolen during the break-ins.My personal opinion is this is happening because there is such a major drug problem in this area. Quick money for a quick fix.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

City Administrators New Look from Balls&Backbone

When I logged in to my blog, I got the message that Blogger has a new look...well guess what, so does Ken Witt.  Now rumor has it, he initially liked his his first look (suit and tie) but after viewing it so many times on this blog and people commenting on it, he has updated his look to the right. A more casual laid back look.  He looks like he bought the shirt in a 80s retro shop. Does he have a Members Only jacket hanging in the corner? Horizontal stripes don't do a thing for anyone. Another thing I noticed, did he get his picture frames from a garage sale? All the money he makes? He should have gold frames. All BS on the side, this is his picture on the City of Sparta website. This picture represents Sparta, he is our city administrator. When I look at the right picture (new pic on website) I see laid back, unprofessional, unorganized, looks like he has his hands in his pants, sloppy. This is how he makes Sparta look. Only my opinion. Someone may have a different opinion. My advice for your next photo op, wear a nice suit, stand in front of city hall or a US Flag and do not smile(you have a fake smile). First consultation is free

Big Mouth from Balls&Backbone

To the Genius who  threatened me to remove my blog within 24 hours about a month ago...I am still waiting for the authorities.  Did you get lost? I left the ball in your court, remember. I have my lawyers on standby, bail money ready...and the front door is open waiting for someone to arrest me.  Just like I thought, you are nothing more than a big mouth, wannabe smart guy...like the city administrator, Ken Witt. Because Ken Witt thinks he is a lawyer.  Dont you? You see, A good lawyer knows the law and a great lawyer knows the judge...and since you are neither, you can manipulate people to write and post comments for you.

Robberies from Anonymous

I found Jean Mattakats letter to the editor very interesting. She is RIGHT ON! The only one to blame is the Chief of Police. If Chief Kass lived in town, maybe he would know what goes on in this town and maybe care about it more. Two robberies in two days. In the second robbery, no suspects have been identified even though it happened in broad daylight. Thank God for Crimestoppers...maybe someone can give the police a lead.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


One thing many people have always wondered about "out loud" is why is Mayor Sund's son is entitled to Two jobs. Treasurer and Assessor. Does he get double the benefits or is it an added bonus? I have heard MANY people talking about this over the years. Does he even have the background to have the position?

Monday, April 23, 2012

Native American artifacts found on sand mine site from Anonymous

I have a comment regarding another article from the same paper titled "Native American artifacts uncovered at sand mine site" In that article city administrator Ken Witt said "the artifact discovery was no surprise since maps of the area revealed Native American cultural remnants may be there". If that is true, that site should never have been touched. Why wouldnt it be brought up earlier? City not doing their homework? Again?


I am writing in response to "Embattled chairman back on city police and fire commission". Mayor Sund DECLINED to comment on the appointment. There's a surprise. That tells me one thing. Mayor Sund has less than one year left. Why would he cut his Christmas cards short this year? He doesnt care. So I talked to three different city council members, asking each one the same question. Why did the council all vote in favor of the appointment? The first aldermans response was "I thought about it after I voted." The second aldermans response was "he misunderstood and didn't know he was voting on it, he was misled". And the final aldermans answer is the best...first he said" it didn't matter because Gary would get in no matter what" and then he said he wanted to make sure he got on the committees that he was interested in. In other words, he didnt want to cause any waves. I decided not to question anymore...I couldnt take it. So there you go, three of our councilman that represent us.

Friday, April 20, 2012


After reading the Sparta Blog yesterday, I thought the blog might be exaggerated BUT then after reading the Monroe County Democrat yesterday...WOW Mayor Sund DECLINED to comment on his reappointment of Gary Ascher when there were many questions of why? Especially after the two lawsuits and Pipkin not getting punished. In my opinion, the only message Mayor Sund sent me was, "I got one year left and screw whoever is in charge next" Stuff like this makes you want to vote for Angelini if he runs as much as i may not want to. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. This is BS!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Gary Ascher reappointed from Balls&Backbone

Last night I went to the city council meeting. My main reason to go was to see if the appointment of Gary Ascher to the police and fire commission for the next five years would be approved by the city council. And who would vote for it and who would not vote for it. As soon as I walked into the room, you could tell Witt and Sund had been reading this blog. They didn't seem to appreciate my presence...at all. Oh well. Maybe if they did their job, I wouldn't rip on them.
Gary Ascher has been on the police and fire commission for at least nine years that I know of. He has no backbone and is incapable of making any disciplinary decision. Another guy that likes the title and to look important, but does nothing. The moment came to vote on his reappointment by the mayor. The entire city council voted him in. These are the people we voted to represent the city....I have nothing else to say.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012



Monday, April 16, 2012

Comedian Jim Wiggins from Balls&Backbone

This is Comedian Jim Wiggins. He is featured in todays (4/16/2012) LaCrosse Tribune's Monday Profile. Jim has traveled the country performing on stages from Los Angeles to New York and written for George Carlin, David Letterman and Chuck Barris. He made Sparta his home a few years ago.
Sparta does not know what they have here. Jim loves to make people laugh and does it well. Sparta should hire this guy during Butterfest to do a show or many shows. Sparta is LUCKY to have someone like this living in this town. Thank you Jim for being a good friend to our family.


One thing I dont understand is why in hell does Mayor Sund have intention of
appointing Gary Ascher to another 5 year term on the Police and Fire Commission when EVERYONE knows Mr. Ascher is incapable of this appointment. He has done nothing while on the Police and Fire Commission, why would you reappoint him? If the city council has to approve the mayoral appointments I sure hope they realize that this is an important decision and they need to quit giving themselves more of a bad reputation and step up to the plate and have some pride knowing that the people they are choosing for these committees aren't afraid of doing a quality job. If they do approve appointments and they chose to reappoint
Mr. Ascher, they should be held responsible for lack of leadership with the mayor.

Friday, April 13, 2012


I found a high school picture of Ken Witt. He hasn't change a bit.


So if Pipkin was suspended for two days without pay for taking extended lunch breaks...why in the world would nothing be done for the two recent lawsuits? if this true about taking his kids to school or being out of his car for extended periods of time then this guy should not be working for the police department. It seems as though the city is reluctant to punish him as it may result in a
favorable response to Mr. Angelini. And if Mr. Angelini does run for Mayor, this would definately be in his favor. THIS is why I feel that Sgt Pipkin is not being punished and still has a job. They are worried more about Angelini being
Mayor than a Sgt being a bad cop.

Thursday, April 12, 2012


I wrote the following letter to the editor for todays Monroe County Democrat. The Editor for the Monroe County Democrat has refused to publish it. Not the publisher, not the paper...the Editor for the Monroe County Democrat who is Bill Gleiss.
Dear Editor, Over the last several weeks, I have received numerous phone calls regarding Sgt Pipkin taking his children to school in the city owned squad car a couple of times a week or more. I started to go to school every morning to observe this as I like to have my own facts. However, I kept missing him. I would see the squad car or SUV but I never saw anything. On March 29, 2012, I got there EARLY. At 7:14am an unmarked, black SUV with plate number 640-RCB pulled up to the school. Because there was a tree blocking the exact view of his location on the street, I couldn't see the passenger side. He then parked the SUV in the school parking lot and headed inside the school in full uniform. I confirmed that it was Sgt. Pipkin. After sitting there for a few minutes waiting, I realized that my phone could take a picture. So I did. Other police officers have told me that you should always call yourself in and out of your squad car whenever you leave your car. Sgt. Pipkin was out of his car for over ten minutes. He arrived at 7:14am and got back in his car at 7:32am. My next step was to find out if Sgt Pipkin is accountable for his time spent outside of his squad car relating to personal matters. I then requested all CAD operation reports, audio recordings of calls, and call logs from 7am to 8am on March 29, 2012. Guess what? Sgt. Pipkin NEVER called in or out of his squad car, never called in for a break...so how many little 10 or 15 minute breaks does he take a day without accountability? The only time I heard his badge number called (#55) was at 7:30am. He was called for a possible drug overdose on Wolcott Street. So it was at that time he left the school and entered his car at 7:32am. In fact, several years ago, Sgt Pipkin got in trouble for taking extended breaks. He was suspended for two days without pay. Winning my lawsuit wasn't the end...it was only the beginning. If Chief Kass lived in town, maybe he might know what his officers are doing. So Chief Kass, I will do you a favor, I will keep an eye on your officers. My next step is to write a complaint to the Police and Fire Commission. I will have the pictures posted on the Sparta Blog.

The Proof of Sgt Pipkin from Balls&Backbone

March 29, 2012
Sgt Pipkins squad car in the school parking lot (taking care of personal matters) without reporting a break or even calling in or out of his squad. Taking advantage of his breaks which got him in trouble a few years ago (taking extended breaks). Sgt Pipkin thinking he is invincible, when really he is in my opinion nothing more then a thug and a bully with a badge.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


I am not surprised by how Mr. Kass acts. I have dealt with him on different
occasions. He is very arrogant and I have caught him lying to defend his police
officers. If you disagree with him, you are on his "bad list". There is a rumor
going around that his last job "padded" his reference. They made him look so
good so they could get rid of him and someone else would have to deal with him. Guess who won the lottery? Sparta. Yippee skippee.


I did go to this meeting after reading this post and nothing happened at the
meeting. I am surprised that there wasnt ANY discussion before they went to
closed session. The only thing that happened that was a bit disturbing is when
they asked the public to leave the meeting, everyone went into the hall. Chief
Kass came into the hall and rudely told everyone they had to leave the hall NOW! Very unprofessional. The doors were closed but it wasnt good enough

Monday, April 9, 2012



Wednesday, April 4, 2012


First of all, I am scared. Second, everyone knows I own this blog. You don't need to search for my IP address. I've been telling everyone to read it and participate. Anything with the title "from Balls&Backbone" thats me. Not like you who wishes to remain anonymous. Third, learn how to spell and form sentences. Ask your wife or kids for advice...I do, because I don't want to look stupid. Finally, I accept your challenge. I will not take this blog down. The internet is the largest vessel for freedom of speech... you genius. If I was threatening someone or making up malicious lies about you then maybe I would be wrong. The only threats on this blog is the one you just gave. The ball is your court now. Lets see if you're another big mouth that thinks he knows what he is talking about. You are nothing more than an internet BULLY!


I guess we know who owns this website, Mr Angelini. I have the IP address and since you own this blog. We have turn it over to authorities on many legal actions. Please remove website or under federal law you can be charged for this type of website and if found guilty thats 10 years in prison. I guess your chances for Mayor would be over. But if not taken down the 24 hours you can try
and push the system, but since this IP Address crosses over to your home and office. We can search your home and business and how many other law mybe broken when the search is complete. If you don't believe it just search the internet for any law breaker with a websight like this that are in Jail. By the way, freadom of speach doesn't apply to the internet because someone ownes it.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Ken Witt and His Middle Finger by Balls&Backbone

My little boy turned into a man today. Congrats to Ken Witt for expressing his freedom of speech in a secret sort of way. As I was walking into city hall to vote today, I looked into Mr. Witts office window and all of a sudden his eye itched and he had to scratch it with his middle finger. I guess he doesn't like me...I don't know why...I'm guessing because I make him look stupid. I take that back, he does a fine job of that all by himself. Because I was proud of him for growing some balls...wee little ones...I bought him some frosted Easter cookies from the ladies that sell baked goods on voting days. It is always exciting when a boy reaches manhood...next time, just flip me off. It is your freedom of speech. I wont be offended.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Ken Witt and mike kass From Balls&Backbone

Yes, we need to get rid of Pipkin...BUT he isnt the only one we need to get rid of. Lets see, you need to get rid of Ken Witt (aka Dimwit...thinks he is is the smartest man in the world) Chief Kass (wannabe big city cop, absolutely zero people skills) Lt.Dave Livingston (aka Pinnochio and also a devils advocate...does everything to protect his officers when they are wrong)officer Chris Welker (aka Minnie Me name given by Angelini... Mr. Ticket Happy, would give his mother a ticket for not making his peanut butter and jelly sandwich right)) and THEN we may see A LITTLE change in this town.


we look at the fire and police commission as not doing their job...okay fine, they arent doing their job. so cant the members be replaced? they arent elected they are appointed by mayor john sund. and doesnt the city council have any power with overseeing that "committee"? as they do with every other committee? from my understanding, the CAN ask members of the PFC for their resignation if they arent doing their jobs.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


SALARY 2012 $104,700 FICA 2012 $8,010



I cant believe Pipkin is still working. He cost the city $325,000 in two months time. How is his credibility as a police officer be valid any longer after it has been proved how predujice and biased he is. Can he be trusted to make fair decisions? Probably not. How many other innocent people has he done this to? We all know it takes a lot to say, "NO, I am not paying this ticket for something I didn't do"...or something similar. And this guy still has a supervisory position when he shouldn't even have a job. PLEASE NOTE, CALL YOUR CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS AND COMPLAIN.
1st ward Church 269-7632 2nd ward Button 2694307
3rd ward holcomb 615-330-7288 4th ward Stanek 269-8527
5th ward Anderson 269-2801 6th ward lukasek 269-2987
7th ward hellman 269-8008 8th riley 269-5636

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


The city council should be ashamed of themselves for being cowards. They are as brainless as Ken Witt. We should get them all removed like they did with the County Board members. It would be great if the entire city quit paying their water bills and see how much more frivolous spending there would be. Maybe then
there may consideration of cutting expenses (aka Sgt Pipkin) as they wouldn't be able to continue paying out settlements for incompetent employees. As for our mayor...do we even have one?


Seriously, $300,000 awarded because of sexual discrimination stemming from 2005 incidence with, guess who, Sgt Pipkin? And this guy is still working? $25,000 last month, $300,000 this month...WOW, and Ken Witt has no comment. How about terminating the employee that is costing you money. You are telling me the fire and police commission, the city council will do NOTHING. WHAT A JOKE!

Friday, March 23, 2012


I hate driving down that road. The 1st thing they can fix it the Boats, no one can have boats parked in the street. The city or police need to make them move the boats and trailers out of there NOW. It hurts the home owners around them and the city gets a black eye over it too. This should be an quick fix to the problem.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Sand Mining from Thurston

The sandmining explosion is a major long term concern for all of us. Seems like we jumped into it rather quickly. When something of this importance and magnitude comes to town we need to investigate,
slow down, and weigh the advantages as well as the disadvantages. When is the next meeting? As far as River Road goes why is there no sidewalk? Very dangerous for the citizens of Sparta.


The drug problem is not the fault of the Sparta Police Department. It is way bigger than that. "The Mexican Cartel" is in our own back yard. Is it time to legalize marijuana usage? Is it time to declare heroin abuse a disease and treat hopeless junkies with compassion and assistance? Our little police department is cannot stand up to the drug problem, it is way too complex.


I was out last night and was at a couple different bars. What bothers me is when I see bartenders that are shitfaced, dancing on the bar not taking care of
customers and not bothering to card anyone. Doesn't a bartender have to take a responsible server course? How is it responsible to be drinking behind the bar when you are to be responsible for the drinking in the bar? I got an idea, how about this...when someone gets a DUI , gets into an accident or anything...find out where that person was drinking at , give that bartender a sobriety test and
if they fail, go after the bartender


Oughta be a law that these critters need to live where they work. Fish bowl, my butt. Kass doesn't want any PR except what he agrees to. Never seen a more corrupt city government than Sparta.